Aluminum Windows Newbury

Our beautiful range of Aluminium Windows will enhance the aesthetics and performance of your Newbury home.

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Aluminum Windows Newbury

At Abbey, we offer aluminium windows that can make your Newbury home feel like new. Our windows are a real step up on uPVC and wooden designs with durable aluminium frames and full double glazing. Aluminium has more strength than those materials, and it’s slimmer. That way, you get a perfect combination of resilience and natural light in your new window.

You can invest in our aluminium windows in a range of double glazing styles for your Newbury home. We offer the UK’s most popular options, including Casement Windows, Tilt and Turn Windows, French Casement Windows, Aluminium Shaped Windows, Bay Windows and Slimline Aluminium Windows.

When you choose Abbey for new aluminium windows in Newbury, you’ll get designs from leading companies. We work with AluK and Origin to offer their windows to your home. These companies are the best for a reason, designing their aluminium windows to be stronger, more efficient and more durable than the competition. They test every component to make sure everything’s perfect, too.

Also, you can customise your aluminium windows with Abbey. You can personalise the design with unique colours, accessories and hardware to make your windows feel more like you. That way, you’ll create a design as unique as you are. You can also choose aluminium doors to pair with your new windows!

Aluminium Window Prices Newbury

Benefits of Aluminium Windows

Aluminium windows can enhance your Newbury home to make it feel brand-new.

Aluminium Windows Sonning Common

Tailored Design

When you work with Abbey, you can get bespoke aluminium windows for your Newbury home. That means we’ll tailor the whole design to your needs, creating a seamless fit. You can select the size, shape and style along with our hardware options. We also offer standard and premium colour ranges for another splash of personality!

Windows Sonning Common

Increased Security

Our aluminium windows can protect what matters most in your Newbury home. With profiles from AluK and Origin, you’ll get windows with superb strength. However, your aluminium frames will protect internal security hardware, such as multi-point locking systems. As a result, intruders will have no way through these windows.


Sonning Common Aluminium Windows

Thermally Efficient

Your aluminium windows won’t let your home’s energy escape. While older designs could lose up to 10% of the energy inside your home, our aluminium windows capture more of it and block cold air from outside. As a result, you can stay warm while using less of your central heating, saving you money on energy bills!


Aluminnium Windows Sonning Common Cost

Low Maintenance

Aluminium is a low-maintenance material for windows in Newbury. That means you won’t have to repaint or revarnish them in any way. You won’t even have to clean them, as aluminium windows won’t damage in wind and rain. All you’ll have to do is clean them every month or two to keep them looking their best for up to 50 years!

Aluminium Window Prices Sonning Common


Our aluminium windows provide superb value for money. That’s because, with these durable designs, you’ll be able to save money for your home for decades to come. The aluminium frames prevent heat transfer, making your living space warmer. However, they’re fully weatherproof, ensuring they won’t let you down when it gets colder.

Bespoke Aluminium Windows Sonning Common

Colour Co-Ordinated

If you’re looking for the perfect colour for your aluminium windows, you can leave it to Abbey. That’s because we offer a colour matching service that gets the perfect shade every time! We can compare your home’s decor to our vast range of colours and finishes to pick out the shade that suits your home seamlessly.


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Design of Aluminium Windows

Abbey offer six styles of aluminium windows for homes in Newbury, ensuring you’ll be spoilt for choice!

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Aluminium Casement Windows

Aluminium casement windows are the UK's most popular option. They have slimline frames, full double glazing and a fully customisable design for your home.

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Aluminium Tilt & Turn Windows

Aluminium tilt and turn windows open in multiple directions. That makes them easy to clean, perfect for higher floors, and secure as they always stay locked to their central bar.

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Aluminium French Casement Windows

Aluminium French Casement windows add a touch of European flair to your Newbury home. They open broadly to let fresh air and natural light fill your living space in the daytime.

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Aluminium Shaped Windows

At Abbey, we can craft aluminium windows for your Newbury home in unique shapes! That way, you get the opportunity to create a design that stands out anywhere.

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Aluminium Bay Windows

Aluminium bay windows could extend a wall of your home outward to fit their angled, multi-panelled design. With their slimline frames, you'll get natural light from all angles.

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Slimline Aluminium Windows

Our slimline aluminium windows are sleek, stylish and streamlined. The frames are air and water-tight too, making them thermally efficient and fully weatherproof for your home.

Aluminium Window Prices Newbury

Invest in aluminium windows from Abbey Aluminium in Newbury today!

With our online quoting engine, you can design a bespoke window from our full range of options. Create the window of your dreams today, and get a competitive quote in seconds for your ideas!

If you’d like to find out more, you can get in touch with Abbey’s friendly team too. Fill in our online contact form to ask us anything or speak about your ideas in detail by calling us on 01189 071 401.

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