Aluminium Double Glazing

Case Studies: Aluminium Windows Installation, Oxfordshire

We recently installed aluminium windows for a customer in Oxfordshire. Aluminium windows offer many benefits for your home such as thermal efficiency and natural light, alongside a contemporary ...

Aluminium Bay Window Prices

Case Studies: Aluminium Windows Installation in Reading

At Abbey Aluminum, we carried out a fantastic aluminium window installation for a customer’s home in Reading. This customer wanted to upgrade their home to make it more modern and increase their ...

Roof Lantern

Case Study: Aluminium Lantern Roof In Reading

Beautiful Aluminium Lantern Roof Installation in Reading  At Abbey Aluminium we installed a stunning lantern roof for a customer’s conservatory in Reading. They were delighted with the amount of ...

Origin Aluminium Bifold Doors Bracknell

Case Study: Aluminium Bifold Doors Installation in Wokingham

Stunning aluminium door installation by Abbey Aluminum  Abbey Aluminium recently completed an aluminium bifold door installation for a customer in Wokingham. They chose this door because they ...

Aluminium bi-fold doors

Case Study: Aluminium Bifold Doors Installation Calcot

Aluminium Bifold Doors Installation Calcot  Our customers wanted a luxurious design. so they decided to get an aluminium bifold door installed for their home in Calcot. Aluminium doors provide ...

advantages of fitting secondary glazing for heritage homes

What Is Secondary Glazing and How Will It Benefit Your Home?

Here at Abbey Aluminium, we offer secondary glazing for your property. Secondary glazing is a cost effective alternative to single glazing, but you might be wondering what it is. This article ...

Aluminium Bi-Fold Doors Prices

How to Adjust Aluminium Bifold Doors

Here at Abbey, we understand how important your bifold doors are to your home. They are attractive, versatile, and give you a seamless connection to your garden. But they can suffer from wear and ...

Abbey Aluminium Windows cost

Is It Worth Getting an Aluminium Window?

When you consider an aluminium window for your home, you might be concerned that it is not worth the cost. At Abbey, we sell many windows for your consideration, and in this article, we will...

Roof Lantern Prices

What are the Benefits of an Aluminium Roof Lantern?

  When considering how to improve your home, there is an abundance of choices. An aluminium roof lantern can brighten up the place in many ways, and there are plenty of reasons to have one...

Aluminium Doors vs uPVC Doors

When you choose a brand new front door, you might wonder which one will meet your needs. Both aluminium doors and uPVC doors have their own styles and aesthetics to improve your home’s quality of...

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