Why are Aluminium Windows better than uPVC Windows?

Aluminium Casement Window Prices

Why are aluminium windows better than uPVC windows? For many, aluminium windows and uPVC windows are often conflated together appear very similar in both style and function. However, this could not be further from the truth. Aluminium windows are the stylish and modern alternative to uPVC windows for your home. Slowly, aluminium windows have begun appearing in newer and older homes, replacing the once popular uPVC frames that are often spotted on a majority of homes. This is because homeowners have begun to realise the superiority of its more aesthetically pleasing alternate. Below we will be discussing why aluminium windows are better than uPVC windows through their many features, benefits and available styles.


Aluminium windows are unmistakeably a stylish property piece that can elevate the aesthetics of any home thanks to its sleek design coupled with its vast sightlines, resulting in a minimalist yet universally appealing window frame. Because of our partnership with Origin, our aluminium windows can be fully customised and styled with over 200 RAL colours to choose from. We also offer a range of wood grain finishes for homeowners who are looking for a traditional and classic touch to their property. Customise the type of style and hardware of your aluminium window, as we offer aluminium casement windows, aluminium gable windows and aluminium bow and bay windows, all of which are available in secondary glazing, double glazing, Homeguard double glazing and triple glazing.

Energy Efficient

Aluminium windows are incredibly energy efficient, easily achieving an energy rating of A+14 and beyond. This means that they are able to prevent needless heat loss through its windows. By utilising either secondary glazing, double glazing, Homeguard double glazing or triple glazing, aluminium windows can trap and retain the natural heat inside your house through the usage of a small vacuum of space between two panels of glass, preventing it from escaping. This means that your interior remains at a comfortable warmth without the need or cost to switch on the central heating. Save money and stay comfortable with our aluminium windows.


Our Origin aluminium windows are only comprised of the finest quality materials available, meaning that our aluminium grade is capable of providing immense strength and stability for an ultra-slim window frame like our aluminium windows. Enjoy the best of both worlds as you get a sleek window frame with the resiliency of a thick one. In fact, we guarantee that your aluminium window can increase your home security and last long enough to do so, that we offer a 20 year guarantee warranty. Trust in a property piece that will not only last but will protect your home thanks to its incredible durability that would stop any would-be home invader in their tracks.

Why are aluminium windows better than uPVC windows? For some, it could be argued to its irrefutable style, providing a minimalist aesthetic with its ultra-thin window frame that offers wide sightlines and obscured views into the outdoors. For others, it could be because of its amazing energy efficiency that prevents unnecessary heat loss and energy cost, saving money whilst making sure your living space stays warm. Or perhaps it is due to the peerless security we offer combined with our astonishing 20 year guarantee. Aluminium windows are slowly becoming the new standard for windows in properties, and it is not too difficult to see why. To find out more, why not try our free quoting engine or perhaps contact us today!

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