Case Studies: Aluminium Windows Installation in Wokingham

Aluminium Bay Windows

Aluminium Windows Design

At Abbey Aluminium, we recently installed a brand new set of aluminium windows for a customer in Wokingham. Aluminium windows are naturally beautiful and one of the strongest materials on the market. They are designed to withstand tough weather conditions while bolstering security even further. 

What’s more, they support double or triple glazing. This customer wanted double glazing installed as they were on a tight budget. Our team was able to accommodate to their needs, giving them a swift installation. 

If you would like to find out more, get in touch with Abbey today. 

Deciding on Aluminium Windows For Your Home 

One of our experienced designers was sent round to the customers’ house in Wokingham to help them design their aluminium window. With so many choices on offer, the customer decided to go for a dark Anthracite Grey colour that blended in with their modern brickwork. 

What’s more, they went for matching handles, resulting in a smooth transition in their home. And, our designers were on hand to help answer any questions. 

Aluminium Windows prices Wargrave

Further Options 

The customer decided to add aluminium bay windows to the front of their property, This style brought out plenty of natural light and stunning views of their front garden. 

Our impressive bay window design gives outstanding thermal efficiency, ensuring natural heat will enter the customers’ homes. As a result, this helped save money on their energy bills, letting them spend on the things that mattered to them. 

Extra Benefits of Aluminium Windows 

Aluminium windows offer extra benefits for your home, such as high security locks that protect them from intruders, keeping the family safe over time. 

The advanced double glazing is ideal because it is durable and weatherproof. What’s more, it is soundproof, so the customer took advantage of a peaceful environment. 

Slimline aluminium windows Reading

Aluminium Windows Prices Wokingham

When you want aluminium windows like this customer, get in touch with Abbey Aluminium today. Our friendly team has nearly 40 years of experience in designing and installing windows, so get in touch with us today. Fill out the online contact form or call us on 0118 956 6866.

Start an online quote to create your dream design. Choose from a multitude of designs and we will return with a price that matches your budget.

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