Is It Worth Getting an Aluminium Window?

Abbey Aluminium Windows cost

When you consider an aluminium window for your home, you might be concerned that it is not worth the cost. At Abbey, we sell many windows for your consideration, and in this article, we will tell you about the benefits and why they are worth the money. Read on to find out more.

An aluminium window has many benefits for your home. It will keep your home warm because it comes with natural light as standard. This is a very cost efficient way of saving money because you can benefit from its clean and slim sightlines. This lets light flow seamlessly into your property and ensures you won’t have to pay for rising heating bills. As a result, you can spend money on the things that matter to you.


Aluminium Windows Marlow


An aluminium window is very beneficial because you can recycle it and use it as something else. Because it is a precious metal, it can be easily reused and can therefore save you money on your carbon footprint. This will help you lead a greener lifestyle in the long run because when the window comes to the end of its lifespan, it can be turned into something else. Another reason why it’s suitable for the environment is that it is thermally efficient. A brand new aluminium window will create a robust thermal barrier that traps natural heat indoors, while cold air is left outside. This will help keep your living space more insulated in the long run without worrying about rising heating bills.

Your windows can also be created to multiple styles as well. Because at Abbey, we believe that you should be firmly in the driving seat when it comes to customisation options. You can choose from a wide range of colours and styles too. You can choose a casement window, a tilt and turn, or even a Bow and Bay window for your living area too. There are so many choices you can go for, while you can even go for accessories too, such as handles. They will give the window exceptional strength and performance.

When the weather is bad, a material such as wood or uPVC might suffer against tough conditions. Aluminium is firmly weatherproof and resistant to anything the weather throws at it. This is because it comes with toughened glass that will reduce hard knocks in the long term. It is also very durable and strong, meaning it can protect you from intruders too. You can fasten the windows even further with multipoint locking systems and advanced shootbolts so intruders will find it impossible to break in. What’s more, at Abbey, you have the option to upgrade to triple glazing as well, which will bolster your security even more. The double glazing is fastened to the window so crowbars or other such tools won’t be able to pry open the window.

Another benefit that you’ll experience from an aluminium window is that it’s inherently strong and light weight. Not only does this make it easier to install, but it also means there is less aluminium to withstand large amounts of glazing. As a result, the frames that you use will be less bulky and you’ll be able to install bigger frames for a clearer view.

An aluminium window is also very easy to maintain, especially in tough weather conditions. It doesn’t rust, warp, or fade in tough conditions, while you can clean them with a damp cloth. This will help get rid of mould spots and condensation easier. Even though different finishes might need more care than the other, at the same time they are incredibly easy to clean. If you regularly maintain the window every 2-4 months, it will be in pristine condition for longer.


Aluminium Casement Windows


Aluminium is a very affordable material, which means it will save you plenty of money in the process. Not only are wooden windows more expensive, but they require more maintenance too. Aluminium will last you a very long time and as a result, you will save money on repairs. This is because the frames are airtight and watertight, so gaps of water of cold air won’t be able to enter your home very easily.

We hope that this article has helped you see why getting an aluminium window is worth the money. It has many benefits including affordability and durability. It can last for a very long time and will protect you from intruders and wet weather. The windows are also very customisable and come in a range of different colours, so you can customise them to your heart’s content.

If you want to find out more about our aluminium windows, reach out to us today. Fill out our online quoting tool, or even call us on 0118 956 6866 and our friendly team will help you create your dream window.




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